Glenn Miller Evening

Glenn Miller Evening

From 14 November 2021 7:30 pm until 14 November 2021 10:00 pm

Posted by Andrew Dunn

Categories: Events, Swing

Tags: Live Music, Swing

Hits: 2344

Come and join us for this remembrance day event, in support of Help for Heroes Charity. Featuring live music performed by Kalamazoo, one of the premier swing bands in the UK!

t’s swing time with one of the finest Glenn Miller swing bands in the UK - the immensely popular Kalamazoo Dance Band, playing all the greats of Glenn Miller, Count Basie, Benny Goodman together with our vocalists singing many of the most popular songs that won the war. Dance the night away or simply relax and enjoy the most enchanting music of the 40’s and swing era.

This is a first class act and we are delighted to host them at The Regency Dance Centre for your entertainment and to honour those that gave so much to allow us the freedom we enjoy today

Time: 7:30pm - 10pm (doors open 7:00pm)

Price: £12 per ticket