From 19 December 2015 6:30 pm until 19 December 2015 11:59 pm
Posted by Andrew Dunn
Categories: Ballroom and Latin-American
Hits: 2863
It is the World Ballroom Dance Awards, a most prestigious black tie event. Reigning world champions Meghan Whitehall and Nicholas Garrington will be presented with the most sought after award in Ballroom; the International Dance Association’s Billington Prize.
At such a renowned occasion there promises to be equally renowned company who were all present at that memorable final. Whitehall and Garrington’s flawless performance was truly unforgettable; join us for a night of dance, dinner and drinks, and you can expect to have a truly unforgettable experience.
Prepare for a night in the limelight, but be prepared for what lies in the shadows...
Murder Mystery and Dinner Dance
*The awards and characters are purely fictious and are for entertainment only.
Entertainment by "Diced Soup Theatre" Company. Featuring Andrew Dunn and Sian Steadman
Members: £30 Non-Members: £32.50
Please book in advance.