From 22 October 2022 8:00 pm until 22 October 2022 11:00 pm
Posted by Kim Dunn
Categories: Barn Dance
Hits: 3101
Bring your partner and swing them around at The Regency Barn Dance! Featuring Live Music by a Ceilidh band and a Pie and Pea Supper!
Our Regency Barn Dance is a fun way to attend a dance at the Ballroom without having to learn a single step! All dances are taught on the night and instructions are given by the "Caller". They involve taking your partner and joining with other couples to form a "set". Dancers then exchange places with their partners and other couples throughout the dance.
JIGABIT are a local band comprising of a piano accordionist, base guitarist and a caller who also plays flute and whistle.
Pie and Pea Supper included.
Everyone is welcome to attend, from those with no dancing experience to those who are no stranger to a "doesy doe"!
Times: 8pm - 11pm
Price: £15.00