Barn Dance

From 15 September 2018 9:00 pm until 16 September 2018 12:00 am
Tags: Barn Dance
Hits: 2932

Due to popular demand, we are once again running our fantastic Barn Dance Evening with a live Ceilidh band. A Pie and Peas supper is included!

Ceilidh comes from the Scottish and Irish tradiiton of a social gathering that involves dancing to Gaelic music. The dances are usually done in sets of couples that involve each couple exchanging positions with the facing couple, and also facing couples exchange partners, while all the time keeping in step with the beat of the music.

The evening will also include a pie and peas supper so that you can dance the night away! Our fully licensed bar is also open throughout the evening. 

Times: 8pm - 11pm

Price: Standard - £10.00 | Early Bird £8.00

Early Bird tickets available until 8th Sep 2017. (Early bird will be applied at checkout)



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